Welcome to IMAGIR sarl, a spin off company founded by researchers from the University of Brest, FRANCE.
We are geophysicists specialized in electromagnetic methods.
Our main focus is the analysis and inversion of magnetotelluric data.
IMAGIR provides a new service to the industry and research, offering expertise on MT data acquisition processing and interpretation. We also provide consulting in research and development in electromagnetism
applied to oil and gas, mineral, geothermal and environmental exploration and monitoring.
We developed a very successful 3-D MT inversion algorithm that handle the full MT tensor in any array configuration, number of sites and frequencies for both marine and land applications.

7-9 November 2022We will be present at the 3rd EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Meet us at our poster presentation: "On the importance of nearshore extension of MT... MORE |
11- 17 September 2022Our latest work will be presented at the 25th EM Workshop in Turkey :
"Mapping the geometry of volcanic systems with magnetotelluric soundings: results from a land and marine magnetotelluric... MORE |
1 - 4 October 2017We will be present at the Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
We will present two papers:
"Constrained inversion of magnetotelluric and gravity data applied to... MORE |